Fitness, Yoga & Nutrition: Holistic Wellness
Your body is your temple. If it’s not strong and ready to walk the self-grow path with you, it will drag you behind and demotivate you build an awesome lifestyle. That’s why we include various physical activites, whenever judged appropriate, aiming at enhancing your strength, endurance and flexibilty, while keeping an eye on your diet during your stay with us at WTFUP School. Here are some further details:
Fitness / Yoga
Your body is a system, a biological and energetic machine that can be optimized (not maximized) for a better life and health overall. So, our goal in Wake The F Up center is use a mix of activities, depending on your specific needs, from freeletics, to Cardio, to Yoga to find a beautiful balance between strength, stamina and flexibility, outdoor activities amidst the breathtaking scenery of mountains and the sea. We also combine that with the Wim Hof method of using cold and certain breathing techniques to stimulate your immune and respiratory system.
In WTFUP Center, we follow a balanced vegetarian diet (health exceptions aside), with 2 main balanced meals per day, at 1PM and 7PM, and nothing except water and unsweetened tea in between. This is called “intermittent fasting”. It allows for your body and digestive system to find a beautiful balance, to use fat as energy rather than sugar, which keeps you lean and energetic throughout the day. Our choice of excluding meat from the proposed diet is mainly due to considerations of overexploitation of animals in our current society for the sake of filling our basic urges for food and proteins, which can easily be met with the right vegetarian elements. The second reason is more about an advanced topic of energies, and keeping our vibratory system clean from any distortions due to low-consciousness (and even suffering) beings such as supermarket beef and chicken, a body ready for meditative practices at our school.
What We Offer
This is a donation-based center. Please take contact with our team to validate your Pack choice and the process of enrollment.